How to Develop an Inclusive and Diverse Lifestyle

How to Develop an Inclusive and Diverse Lifestyle

Vanessa in Dallas- How to Develop an Inclusive and Diverse Lifestyle

Even though I am Mexican-American, the outrage that the rest of America feels for the death of George Floyd has weighed heavy. I don’t even think my family or friends realize how painful this has felt, and how many times I’ve actually cried. I’ve thought about the Black Lives Matter movement everyday, and I’ve naturally come to reflect on racism that occurs within my own community. I’m praying for a world that is more inclusive. And because I often find myself thinking about inclusivity in my everyday lifestyle… I wanted to share how YOU CAN TOO. This may the start of a new path, seeing that we need more of inclusivity and diversity not only in our personal lives, but at our work, and in our homes- especially in teaching children.

Acknowledge your Bias and White Privilege

What is White Privilege? “White privilege (or white skin privilege) refers to societal privilege that benefits white people over non-white people in some societies, particularly if they are otherwise under the same social, political, or economic circumstances”.

I have learned that White Privilege exists in many communities. It exists in the Latino community. Lighter skinned latinos, have the potential to benefit in society more than the darker skin toned latinos. White privilege also exists in those with disabilities. Someone who is more able-bodied benefits than someone who is more physically disabled.

No matter what your race is, recognize your bias and/or your white privilege:

  • How do you perceive other races or cultures?

  • What assumptions might you be making about other people subconsciously?

  • How do your beliefs affect your decisions?

Become Aware of Oppression of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC)

Often times we go through life and we don’t take too much notice of the types of people that are in our circle of friends, or the people we work with or work for. To become more inclusive, you need to pay attention to the people you associate yourself with, what ethnicities are within your work, and does your work encourage a diverse workforce? You need to realign your values and match it to your every life and work.

  • Are there areas in my life and work where BIPOC are oppressed?

  • Does my job reflect a diverse culture?

  • Is my work culture currently being inclusive to all people?

  • Do I have a diverse circle of friends?

Become an Ally

Although we may not understand everyone’s lived experiences, the best thing we can do on our path to inclusiveness is to become an Ally. This is a selfless act to support our BIPOC communities.

  • EDUCATE yourself in things related to other culture and beliefs

  • TEACH those around you and hold conversations about culture and race

  • Stop talking and start LISTENING to the experiences of BIPOC

  • AMPLIFY the voices of BIPOC by sharing BIPOC owned businesses and industries

What are other ways that we can support BIPOC communities?

Call out Prejudice and Racism

To do this particular act is not easy. In the Latino community we are taught to respect our elders. However, it is (at times) our elders who can express the most racist remarks and yet we are taught to say nothing. I’m glad that this is changing and now we are being taught to speak out. This is not only in continuation of becoming an ally, but also you are helping to educate that person on what he or she’s preconceived idea. Try not to argue, but instead have a discussion. You may agree to disagree, but at least you got your point across versus not saying anything. “Remember, silence enables their racism” so speak up!

  • Keep your cool

  • Let others know that unkind remarks are Uncalled For

  • Ask them “If this was happening to you, what would you do?” Sometimes people need to try to put themselves in others shoes.

Be Inclusive

Although this is what this blog post is about, here are some additional in-between ways to be inclusive:

  • Become COMFORTABLE being with people who don’t look like you, think or live like you

  • ASK and LEARN from different perspectives

  • Be MINDFUL of language

Continue to Build on Habits

Transitioning to involve a more inclusive lifestyle is something that doesn’t happen overnight. Just like we develop new habits during our lifetime, we need to work on inclusivity by also contributing to other activities that circle back to assist and support in diversity and inclusion. “Diversity is being invited to the party, Inclusion is being asked to dance.”

  • SUPPORT Human Rights Organizations


  • VOTE for changes in your County or City

I hope this blog has given you a new perspective on the importance of living a more inclusive and diverse lifestyle. What other ways are you trying to be inclusive and diverse in your life?

Vanessa in Dallas