Tips for Traveling with Pets by Car
It’s that time again! The time where we travel with our 3 fur babies to South Texas. Having a cat, dog, AND a rabbit can get a little hectic when it comes to travel. At times it can be stressful and other times I don’t pack or plan well enough! Which is why I wanted to highlight not only what it’s like to travel with these 3 species but also provide some tips to consider when traveling with pets by car in general (in no particular order).
1) Pet-Friendly Travel Bag
A long time ago I found a pretty large sized bag that has pockets in the front for when we traveled with our pets. At first I thought it was silly because i felt as if I had a “baby bag” for my pets, but this bag has been extremely useful. It fits more than enough for both of our pets needs.
Another alternative would be a backpack, or even a bag the size of a gym bag -depending how much you’ll take with you or how many pets you have.
2) Car Cleanliness and sun protectant
As all pet owners know, pets let go of hair! You can use something as simple as a blanket to cover your car seats, or purchase car seat covers for pet travel. I would also consider finding some window shades for when the sun is beaming on your pet in the backseat, they personally don’t over heat. Even though our vehicles have tint, when the sun hits our dog Ginger can get really warm.
3) Prepare a day before
This one is obvious but let me explain. In the many years that my husband and I have been traveling to South Texas for the holidays, I either don’t put enough time aside or I rush through in packing their things together. This time that we visited the holidays, I scheduled no personal events or outings the day before so i can do allllll the things to prep to leave as well as for the pets. I believe I organized my time better than before.
What helped me is to make a list.
Here are some things to consider to bring for your pet such as:
Pet carrier
Favorite Pet Toys
Pet Blanket or bed
Potty Bags
Pet food (dry and wet food)
4) Travel Security and Gadgets
Luckily, we live in a time where we are able to Amazon or google items to make our pet travels safer than before. We purchased a seat belt harness for Ginger because when we travel to South Texas, we pass by some busy highways such as Austin, TX. It’s up to you or your dog if they are ok with leaving their harness on the whole trip. Our dog personally like to move around in circles to get comfy, or stretch her legs so we only put it on when we are approaching the busier parts of our trip. We know this is still a risk but Ginger gets REALLY uncomfortable when it’s been on too long. Another items to consider is a collapsable bowl for water. We purchased a collapsable bowl years back and what I enjoy is that it’s flexible enough that it bends which is makes it easier to store, and also comes with a clip. So i’m able to just grab the bowl when I need to.
5) Limits on Food
We usually don’t give our pets large meals because it will cause her to want to use the bathroom sooner and also she may feel sick. Which is why before we leave, we take her for a walk so she does her business, and during our trip we give her snacks. We also provide water when we stop to walk her, but also don’t give her too much (just enough) where she’s not wanting to potty too soon. This amount will depend on your dog and their needs on food and water.
Bonus Tips!
Tips for Traveling by car with a rabbit
Traveling with a rabbit is the most pressing when it comes to my 3 pets. Chase requires the most needs and attention. Here is what I do to keep my rabbit safe and comfortable:
Tips for Traveling by car with a rabbit- Say Hello to my Rabbit Chase!
Well Ventilated Pet Carrier
I found an extra small pet carrier for my rabbit at a pet store. Rabbits like compact spaces so this one worked well (not too small and not big). He still have room to move around.
Carrier in Sight View
I take Chase with at the front when I’m passenger side because It’s easier to check on him. I prefer to have him in the front with me (in the pet carrier of course) but if you feel comfortable with your rabbit in the back seat that could work too!
Water dispenser
The few times that we have traveled with him, I have taken a water dispenser and have attached it to his pet carrier door. The problem with this is that the water can just come out on it’s own, causing his cage and him to get wet. So now I give him water every 2 hours or so (basically when he seems to want some).
Food and Hay
Recently I switched a healthier pellet which is more expensive but it so much better on Chase’s digestive system. Be sure to check the ingredients on your pellets. Hay should be the first ingredient for it to be best for your rabbit. In the pet carrier, I have a section of carpet as the base. This helps with preventing him to slide side to side when we are driving or turning. He basically has better grip than if this piece of carpet is not there. As for hay, Chase loves the straw kind of Hay (kind of like the ones on a broom) versus the more shredded type of hay. In his carrier, I have some hay on the side, with less than a handful of pellets.
Things to pack:
If you can, prep chopped greens in a glass (or plastic) sealed bowl.
Water dispenser
Chewable Toys
Towel or Blanket (something familiar)
Litter Pan
Pee Pads (yes chase pees on pee pads lol!)
How do you travel with your pets by car? How do you prepare? Leave your tips below!