The Small things that Keep me Motivated (as a blogger)

In April 2019 I will officially make 3 years blogging. This doesn’t include the 6 months or so that I just let my blog sit there. I’m talking about consistently, non-stop, no real breaks type of blogging.

Although I created the blog in 2015, it really has grown with the last year. I’m still not where I want to be, but really I shouldn’t be anywhere “complete” at this point. I don’t want this journey to end, or get dull. Blogging is tough. There are many people who I met that are wonderful and true influencers, while others are not so hot as they portray themselves to be on Social Media. I’ve seen great girls completely hang out with the wrong crowds, and thus change who they are. I’ve also seen those bloggers that started out with a small following, and are now booming!

One of the things that is tough about blogging, is the fact that I am in a large pool of so many other fashion and lifestyle bloggers in the DFW. Really, it’s SO hard to stand out. I quit trying and just decided to be myself. Even that sometimes can be hard because you wonder if people will actually like you. Every post that I share, I lose followers or gain. So with all that is involved in blogging and building at my craft… how on earth do I stay motivated? Especially when, let’s be honest, the pay is always a hit or miss. I sometimes get paid for campaigns, while others I use for content and then some. Not complaining but blogging is a job where you can’t make money quickly and it takes tiiiiime. I think this part of blogging is a true test of time. Here’s how I’ve been able to stay motivated and inspired in no particular order.

Staying Focused on Myself

This MIGHT sound selfish but here me out. When you focus on YOURSELF when it comes to building your brand or starting a new career…. YOUR goals, YOUR to-dos and no one else’s…great things happen. Look, I USED TO compare myself to other bloggers. I would get down or influenced easily. I felt like one day, I woke up and told myself… wait a sec.. Why am i doing this? Why am I comparing, and why did I start blogging in the first place? I realized I was comparing myself to other bloggers who were MUCH younger than me. I’m talking 8 years at least. I felt ridiculous to compare to those younger than me. Believe when I say, there is HUGE growth that happens when someone is in their early mid 20s to early 30s. I felt the growth once I hit 25. To keep this shorter than I intended, do not pay attention to those that don’t keep you inspired.

Follow accounts that make you happy. Follow people who you support and they support you in return. Once you do this, I swear you will feel much better and stay inspired or motivated. So first things first, delete, mute, unfollow (whatever you feel is right) on those accounts that don’t make you feel good, and start focusing on yourself in your career.

Setting Goals

Not even going to go too much into this. We ALL know we gotta do this to get from point A to point B. Writing out your goals, helps you stay focused and feel productive. I have a planner that I can’t live without. I have already planned content for November which includes 2 personal giveaways! Yes, it takes time but when you do that you feel so much better and your mind is clearer. Set goals, big or small (or both) and hold yourself accountable to follow through. Of course, life happens and that’s ok. Shift that goal to still get it done.

Vanessa in Dallas Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger

Stay Educated

The only way you will get better at your craft, is to continuously educate yourself. Podcasts have been a way of life for me. They are so powerful! It has changed my way of thinking, be more mindful of my career path, and have offered so much advice. There is not one single entrepreneur that I haven’t met who says they don’t listen to or read “x, y, z”. They usually all do because new trends are ever evolving and you need to stay on it!

Podcasts I listen to:

Tiny Leaps, Big Changes

The Influencer Podcast

Becoming Fearless

Fohr Casts

Good Life Project

The Minimalist Podcast

The Goal Digger Podcast

Ted Daily Talks'/Red Radio Hour

Optimal Living Daily

I want her Job the Podcast

The book I am obsessed with right now for all influencers is INFLUENCER by Britanny Hennessey. I love it and highly recommend you read it if you are a blogger!

Trial and Error

I do this for the blog. I give things a try for a while to “test it out”. I check to see if it sticks or doesn’t. Like giveaways for instance, I enjoy doing personal giveaways because I have full control versus the buy-in type of giveaways. Don’t get me wrong, I do believe the buy-in type of giveaway is a good business tactic because your blog gets in front of new people. However try personal giveaways too. The results are sweet, and your audience will appreciate it :)

Blog Topics you Care About

This one is fairly new for me. You see, up to about hmmm let’s say the beginning of this year, I’ve tried to focus on fashion and less on lifestyle. I was very strict with myself and would hesitate to blog about things I REALLY cared about. If you haven’t noticed I have blogged more on local events and places to go, and most recently advocating for a Pet Adoption online website. Does this go with my brand.. I say YES! Why? because it’s ME. I believe in adopt-don’t-shop and rehoming. So whether it’s “on brand” or not, its a topic I care about and want to write about it. You have total control of your website. Make it a place that gives you a voice.

What are some things that keep you motivated or inspired as an entrepreneur? Leave your tips and advice in the comments!

Vanessa in Dallas Blog
Things that keep me motivated as a blogger