Ivan and I have been together for a total of 5 years and counting. We are less than a month away from becoming husband and wife. FACT. We are really stretching our dollars (literally everything is going towards our wedding at the moment and we are working hard to achieve our dream wedding!), we hardly see each other (we are both working part time jobs straight out of our full time so when we get home, we just eat and go to bed). When we are home... we are catching up with what we need to do (cleaning up the apartment, he does his grading because he is a teacher, meanwhile, I work on wedding things that seem to never end lol).
Blogging lately has seem to become just a tad more difficult. Blogging is like another job. It's a great job and I am very passionate about it! However, setting time aside to put outfits together, scheduling with my photographer and then having time to take photos can leave me with time constraints. There just hasn't been enough hours in the day it seems lately, and that in itself can be very stressful.
On top of all this we are moving soon. In about 2 weeks to be exact, so we have been trying to clean and get rid of things we don't need as we are going from a 2bedroom to a 1 bedroom apartment (which is nice by the way but downsizing is a pain!). The time that we do get, we try to exercise. Ivan has been heading to the gym for that "wedding bod" as we like to call it :-P So while, YES, we live together... and technically there are a lot of free and affordable things to do in Dallas, the truth is, we have forgotten to actually plan something just the two of us on Valentine's Day :( .
Valentine's 2012. We were broke so this is how we spent it :) Hmmm maybe we shall have a redo of this!?? lol
Forget the wedding planning, forget the part time or FT jobs, forget our wedding diet or working out... this letter is my time to convey an important message to my future husband from me.
Dear Ivan,
I feel that lately time has passed so quickly. This past year has been both fun and stressful... while you may not have known, i have appreciated you throughout it all. Yes, even those moments when I have been annoyed for no reason at all... I appreciate you for being calm.
The first time I felt like a real couple, even though we weren't "official" yet. How young do we look though! O_O
At times, I tend to focus on things that really don't matter. I know I can be (sometimes) a little materialistic, but that comes with the territory of being a girl! I love pretty things lol. Thank you for keeping me grounded and reminding me how the simplest things in life are free.
With our golden baby- Ginger at the park
Between the two of us, I must admit that I am the one who is more reserved and conservative. If you haven't noticed, over the last few years, I have loosened up a bit. When I first met you, you would dance as if no one was watching (literally you didn't care), meanwhile I lost that desire to just let my hair down and have fun. You have brought out the playfulness and fun, child-like spirited person that I once had lost. Thank you.
We have definitely mastered Photobooth photography don't you think!? Lol
Finally, you have been thee only person in my life to ever accept me for me. You never have tried to change me in any way, shape, or form and have encouraged me, if anything, to be a better person. This is was one of the reasons how I knew you were the one (there are many many more reasons I swear!)
Thank you for loving me entirely.
I love you and can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you <3
To all my readers, how did you meet your significant other? How did you know he/she was the one ? Comment below in honor of Valentines Day! I love you all for reading ! Thank you!